Saturday, September 15, 2012

Understanding - A solution for endless fight!

Petrol hike - Diesel hike - Gas cylinder Problems??

Most of us hate this kind of news(especially youth will spread this news very fast through social networking sites). But think wisely as a literate before posting something odd in facebook or twitter.

A normal local movie theatre ticket costs of Rs.50-100 but in mega cine complex they are costing around Rs.120-400/- but we don't question about it (because that comes under our entertainment factor). Rates will be double for popcorn to cool drinks when compared to actual rate but still we buy them. At that point of time we won't see any price difference and we don't care much about spending on those items (then why most of us cry for Rs.5-10/- hike on petrol or diesel??)

If you want same entertainment then wait for that movie to get telecast in T.V then why wasting money???

If you really cry for the hike then change your mode of transportation, select a bus or local train! (you can save hell lot of money). If it is a prestige matter then don't cry. If you are going out with your girl friend then feel the love or going out with friends then have unlimited fun with them but please don't cry !

In this world nothing is static, so accept the truth and move on. Fight for right but not for non-sense.

Few practical examples from our daily life can solve our upcoming problems, so understand before illogical protests. If you find the root cause for these problems then let’s start fight as one till then patience(with patience comes victory).

Jai Hind!

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